Every contribution makes a difference. You make a difference!

Time Left to Donate:
Goal: $613,000

Team Zions

of $5,400 raised

5 Donors


  • Chaim Yehuda And Dassa Neuman $108
    In Honor of Rabbi Yaakov Zions, our special brother!
    Team Zions
  • Heshy Glezerman $54
    Team Zions
  • Larry Kaufman $1080
    In Honor of our son Rabbi Yaakov Kaufman, Pittsburgh Kollel
    Team Zions
  • Esther Soskel $54
    Tiscal L’Mitzvot
    Team Zions
  • Daniel Kravitz $3600
    In Honor of Rabbi Zion & Lipschutz for the special time we learn and the joy of seeing my grandchildren involved with a the joy of seeing my grandchildren involved with a Kollel
    Team Zions